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The Pedigree of Identity

I was perpetually intrigued by my self-identity and the approach I used to present myself to the world.

This yearning to understand why and how I became whom I am aided me to discover that personality is not only built by nature but heavily by upbringing.

Nurture is not confined by our parent's influence or those who spend time with us, but also to ancestors before us who have passed ways of reasonings and ideologies.

I used perspective as a starting point to detangle the interlace of these cultural and peculiar beliefs set upon me and analyse the possible ancestors who passed down these doctrines. 

The final work

Final work with lights (Right side perspective)
Final work with lights (Left side perspective)
A closer view of the work( Right side perspective)
A closer view of the work( Left side perspective)
Close up to the center of the work
Close up of the tassels


Embroidery process

Construction of the frame

the creative process

The process of understanding and exploring

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