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—— foreword ——

by Lim Yuxuan Chloe

 "Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in." - Amy Lowell

As individuals, we have been forced to confront the effects of our physical, mental and even social environment. "Effectuation" is a response to the unique experiences that we have encountered. Gradually, our art has morphed into an effectuation of ourselves.

NJC AEP Class of 2020 proudly presents our graduation show, a culmination of special works. This showcase features the creativity and vibrancy we have developed in responding to our different circumstances. Our unique experiences have driven us to create art, allowing every artist's personality, individuality, and character shine through their artwork. Our personal experiences have defined our work, empowering us to bridge the gaps between art and life.


Throughout a duration of nine months, we have made significant breakthroughs on what forms art can take. This is displayed through our wide and innovative use of traditional and digital media. With a plethora of artistic elements sensitively assembled together in each and every one of our works, our viewers are entitled to a unique visual experience that ignites their senses as they make their (virtual) tour around the gallery. 

“Effectuation” invites our viewers to feel, connect, and relate to our personal experiences. It invites reflection. While this showcase may feature our final work as AEP students, it denotes the beginning of new journeys. As our works have propelled us to pursue larger ambitions and address our experiences, we hope that it may light a spark of inspiration in our viewers, empowering them to effectuate positive changes in their lives.

—— message from our teachers ——

by Mr Nigel Jon Sing & Mr Teo Chor Howe

Effectuation; unpredictable, unknown, human agency; apt description of the class of 2020. 


Coming together to pursue their passion, the rapidly changing circumstances and conditions propelled them to grow and adapt to the unfamiliar, breaking out of their own comfort zones.


Their artistic journeys are personal, peppered with their own sets of ideals and setbacks, but somehow, we, teachers, had the confidence that they would grow and evolve to be artists in their own right. We hope that they have realized and recognized this evolution of themselves in this artistic rite of passage. 


Well done class of 2020! 


While your works in the physical space will soon be on their way, the collective memories etched in the course of your artistic endeavours, the anecdotes shared will effectuate your coming journeys.  

Till then!

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